Create, modify or delete assets

avatar Richard Polderman

Written by Richard Polderman

More than a week ago

Highflare is all about assets. When you need to create a new one, follow the steps below.

Create assets

  1. On the Inventory page, click "Create asset" in the top right corner.

  2. Select the category and then click "Create asset".

Instead of manually creating assets, speed up the process by importing numerous assets at once using the asset import wizard.

Modify assets

View and modify an asset on the asset details page. Here you will find the attributes, activity feed, users, and other useful information.

Asset ID
Every asset will be given an asset ID based on the category that they're in. You can always edit the created Asset ID or modify the naming convention in the category settings.

When an asset is created, it will be given a default status. You can add, modify, and delete statuses in the status settings.

The data of an asset is based on attributes, such as "Manufacturer" or "Serial number". Highflare already added some examples, but you can always add your own. Learn more about modifying attributes.

Activity feed
The activity feed shows you what happened to an asset. All changes made to an asset are automatically tracked and displayed here. You can also add comments and attachments to the activity feed to provide more information.

It's important to keep track of an asset. That's why you can assign assets to users. Learn more about assigning assets to users (or assigning users to assets).

Easily add files, such as licenses and documentation, to your assets. Learn more about adding attachments.

Delete assets

⚠️ Deleting an asset is permanent. Once deleted, the asset and attached files are irretrievable.

  1. Go to the Asset details page of an asset.

  2. Click "Actions" in the top right corner, then click "Delete".

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