Create, modify or delete documents

avatar Richard Polderman

Written by Richard Polderman

More than a week ago

Documents are displayed when you request a signature. You can create different documents for specific assets or actions by following the steps below.

Create a document

  1. Go to settings.

  2. Click "Documents" in the sidebar to view the documents.

  3. Click "Create document".

  4. Enter the title of the document and add the content of the document.

  5. Once you're ready, click "Save".

Tip: Attributes
You can add the attributes of an asset with shortcodes. This allows you to generate a unique document without manually filling in the necessary information.

  1. In the menu, click "Insert", then "Asset attribute".

  2. Select the attribute, status or category of the asset that you want to display in the document.

Modify a document

  1. Go to settings.

  2. Click "Documents" in the sidebar to view the documents.

  3. Click on the menu (three dots) next to the document that you want to edit, then click "Edit".

  4. Once you're ready, click "Save".

Delete a document

⚠️ Deleting a document is permanent. Once deleted, the document is irretrievable.

  1. Go to settings.

  2. Click "Documents" in the sidebar to view the documents.

  3. Click on the menu (three dots) next to the document that you want to delete, then click "Delete".

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